
- is in his mid 20's - is a taurus male(all you perverts can leave now) - always craves for good music - will never put up naked pictures of himself here(all you perverts who are still here can finally get lost now) - will realise his dream of travelling around the world - will own properties and one of which is a resort by a beautiful beach - hopes to strike 1st division lottery someday so that he can bum professionally - is currently brain dead and will continue some other time

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Current track: Everything but the girl - Missing
Current mood: Slightly jaded

Check out this photo blog. It has the most amazing pictures. Daily uploads even!

Mind-blowing photos are part of the reason I'm hooked onto photography. Most of the days I get lucky capturing pleasing images, for others I spaz out trying to rush out the digital camera, miss the moment completely or recieve unpleasant surprises later that night when I plug the camera into the com.

A friend asked me if the photos on my blog were taken from other sites. I got a lil' annoyed but then again I didn't copyright my pictures. So anyway for the record, other than the photos of Europe (Oct 7th) and the sunset ones (Nov 16th, Aug 25th), along with the bowl of laksa (July 18th) and that interesting Prada building in Japan (Sep 4th), the rest of the photos you see on this blog here are produced by me and my Casio. Maybe I should start adding labels.

Even then, there aren't many people whom I can share them with. After minor editing, my collection sit on this space and waits for a few visitors including me. I'm not sure about them but I get a few seconds of undescribable pleasure and feel somehow... sated everytime.

It’s a big deal to me, being sated. Sad but true. These days, anything simple that fills my appetite works for me.

Desperate Housewives works for me. Apart from the gorgeous Teri, Eva and Marcia (my favourite), they portray infidelity, marriage and single parenting with good humour and entertainment. Just when sometimes you wanna laugh at life itself, the show is a clear reflection of society nowadays. For one, that no matter how wrong it is to cheat on your partner, the fact is that alotta people still do.

So my cousin's girlfriend dropped me off near my place one Sunday morning after a night of clubbing with my cousins and their respective girlfriends. I was considerably high on alcohol but when I thought a hot shower would sober me up, instead it was her sudden confession.

Apparently she and her already-married boss kissed. She is attracted to his romancing ways, his nice and smooth sweet-talking voice and the fact that they can't have each other even if they want to. She has a great life and future ahead of her with my cousin whom she wants to marry, which that's what she wants but at the same time, she's also desiring her boss in that forbidden way which excites her.

The cab drove off. I sat near the bus stop for a moment and thought about things a while and came to the conclusion that there might be no wrong and right about such issues. They have became such a norm that there's virtually no classification anymore to what you have and don't have, what you can do and not do.

I shudder to think how the future might turn out to be. I'm the type of person whom I only wanna marry once. It's sometimes hard to swallow the fact that alotta people nowadays are actually harbouring thoughts of someone else filling in specific needs which their spouses can't, to the extend of even having affairs, probably bearing in mind that that these temporary thrills are often overlooked along with the damages and consequences that come after.

Above all, it seems that sense is taking over values.

You just can't be too sure about anything these days, can ya? Are times revolving too fast, or has evolved? If change is inevitable, do we have to adapt to what's necessary best for us? Can people be ever satisfied? Is believing in The Significant Other making no sense for one's well-being anymore, emotional or otherwise?

I picked myself up and walked home, leaving these questions alone. I can't finish this off for now, even with myself.


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